Monday, August 25, 2008

Never Again

You head home and find your big brother in his room. You're not quite sure how to begin a conversation like this, so you just spit it out - "I saw you on a wanted poster in the police station" you say, standing nervously in his doorway. You've never been nervous in front of your brother before. "What were you doing in the police station?" he asks warily. You think breifly for a moment about making up a fanciful story about aliens and spaceships like you used to do together when you were kids, but then think better of it. You tell him the truth - that you found a suitcase full of money and handed it in. "Fuck!" screams your brother, "my ID was in that suitcase too you stupid kid." You've never seen your brother this angry. "My passport, my wallet, all my cash!" he moans. Then he turns on you. "Quick, quick" he says, "hand me your wallet" You do, and he grabs the cash thats in there and your credit card before almost running out of the room. "Tell Mum I love her" he yells as he heads out the front door.
You never see your brother again.
The End.
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